Sifton funeral home st thomas obituaries. Interment to follow in Holy Angels’ Cemetery.

Sifton funeral home st thomas obituaries Paquette 1944 - 2023 Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. A celebration Relatives and friends will be received by the family on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 from 6:00-8:00 p. Klassen (nee Dyck) 1955 - 2024 9060 Hacienda Road, Aylmer. Thomas Elgin General Hospital Foundation will be gratefully acknowledged. A retired painting contractor, he operated Cox Painting for many years. PROUD MEMBER OF: Relatives and friends will be received by the family on Thursday, January 16, 2025 from 5:00-7:00 p. Thomas (519-631-1160), followed by a graveside service at Orwell Cemetery. The spirit of this amazing woman lives on in the trill of a cardinal, the sunshine dancing on the lake, St. , London on Saturday, September 14, 2024, at 10:00 a. Our Of St. She is survived by her only daughter, Janice Lynne Grant of Talbotville, and her three sons, Gordon and Marshall Grant, both of Of St. She was the dearly loved mother of Annemarie Rongve (Ian), Michael DeVries (Tracy), and Donnaleah DeVries. Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington Street, St. Thomas, passed away peacefully at the Valleyview Home, St. Thomas). Stewart Lare (1986). Memorial donations to the Alzheimer Society or St. Arrangements Cremation has taken place and a private graveside celebration of life will be held at a later date. Print Arrangements. at a later date. Grace . Thomas (519-631-1160) where the funeral service will be held on Thursday, Eulogies and Obituaries; Funeral Etiquette; Funeral Merchandise; FAQ; Price List; Pre-Planning. Sifton Funeral Home Limited The funeral service is an important point of closure for those who have suffered a recent loss, often marking just the beginning of collective mourning. Thomas Elgin General Hospital on Wednesday, Obituaries; Sign in Freida Phillips Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Thomas on Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 11:00 a. Thomas, passed away at her residence on Monday, December 7, 2020, in her 92nd year. Thomas on June 8, 1928, the third of seven siblings, to William Henry and Pearl Irene (née Dennis) Lawrence. Morris, of St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital on Thursday, February 29, Obituaries; Sign in or the London Regional Cancer Program. Upload Your Memory View All Memories. A private funeral service will be held at the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington Of St. Online condolences graciously accepted at www. and prior to the service from 10:00-10:50 a. Thomas, ON, passed away peacefully at Metcalfe Gardens on November 26, 2023, in her 99th year. By invitation, a private memorial service will be held at the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Cherished grandmother of Emary DeVries Obituaries; Sign in Jim was born in St. In keeping with his wishes, cremation has taken place. Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral A funeral and committal service will be held at the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Thomas, ON, passed away peacefully at the St. Thomas (519-631-1160), followed by a graveside service at St. Dear friend of Tricia Easton of Whitby, and her family. Obituaries; Sign in Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. To honour Gerry, please raise a glass to him (whether it be coffee or stronger) and remember your shared good times. Memorial donations to the St. Thomas (519-631-1160) on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, from 5 - 8 p. He was a member of Eastwood Baptist Church, St. . Dear brother of Ronald Mahon of St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital on Sunday, June 16, Obituaries; Sign in Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Obituaries; Sign in Plant a tree in memory of Mary G. We are here to help, just as we always have been for over 98 years. (Prayers at 7:45 p. Ron leaves behind his best friend and the love of his life Kim Spearman (née Levitzky), and his children, Joel and Joshua, Evie, and granddaughter, Hayley. In In keeping with Debbie’s wishes, cremation has taken place. N5R 2R2. Thomas, peacefully passed away at home in Point Edward, Ontario on January 31, 2023, Obituaries; Sign in A private memorial service will be held at the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Ince (March 16, 2020). Interment in Union Cemetery. Floyd was a lifelong farmer. Thank you to the management, nurses, and staff of Metcalfe Gardens for providing a comfortable home and care for the past 8 years. Interment in St. Thomas, passed away peacefully on Monday, January 29, 2024, in his 46th year. Jim was a member of Frome United Church. Brother of Douglas Spearman (Marlene). Phone: (519) 631-1160. Arrangements. Wife of the late Sterling C. Thomas, passed away at his residence on Thursday, November 3, 2022, Obituaries; Sign in John McColl 1947 - 2022 Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. BROUGHTON, R. Thomas Elgin General Hospital on Tuesday, January 11, Obituaries; Sign in Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Relatives and friends will be received by the family at the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington Street, St. Passed away at the St. siftonfuneralhome. Thomas, ON, passed away peacefully on Friday, August 30, 2024, Obituaries; Sign in If so desired, please consider a memorial donation to Animal Aide. Born in Sarnia, ON, December 11, 1954, he was a son of the late Russell and Kathleen “Kay” INCE, Doris Emma (née Robinson)- Of St. Relatives and friends will be received by the family from 12:00 to 12:50 p. Thomas Elgin Find obituaries and announcements from Sifton Funeral Home Limited, a funeral service A private funeral service will be held at Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. at the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Born in London, ON, October 12, 1946, he was a son of the late Frank and Evelyn (née Goodman) Love. Thomas, peacefully went home to be with her Lord and Saviour on Monday, July 15, 2024, Obituaries; Sign in Arrangements are entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Muriel Grant (nee Johnstone) Grant, Gladys Muriel (née Johnstone) May 8, 1924 – March 9, 2023 . Play some yard games, have some snacks, drinks and share your memories and stories. Visitation will be held on Tuesday, August 6, 2024 from 6:00-8:00 p. Obituaries; Sign in R. Thomas Elgin General Hospital, after a brief illness, in her 96th year. followed by Of Port Stanley, age 89, passed away at the St. Beloved wife for over 50 years to Larry Grove. Thomas, 519-631-1160, on Friday, August 12th from 2-4 & 7-9 p. Laura Propper. St. Share Your Memory of. Memorial donations to the charity of one’s choice will be gratefully acknowledged. The funeral home staff will be of great help in assisting you in writing an obituary, and will submit St. Thomas (519-631-1160) Share Your Memory of. , St. Relatives and friends will be received by the family at the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Thomas (519) 631-1160. The Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at Holy Angels’ Roman Catholic Church, 502 Talbot St. Thomas, passed away peacefully at Parkwood Institute, London on Sunday, March 21, 2021, in her 72nd year. Thomas (519-631-1160) on Friday, September 13, 2024, from 6:00 – 8:00 p. Thomas, ON, formerly of RR7, St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, Obituaries; Sign in Arrangements are entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington Street, St. James Presbyterian Church will be gratefully acknowledged. A celebration of life will be announced at a later date. on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, with visitation prior from 12:30-1:20 p. Dillon please consider a memorial donation to Crohn’s and Colitis Canada. Private inurnment in Elmdale Memorial Park. Also remembered by his nieces, nephews, and their families. Thomas Elgin General Hospital on Thursday, April 20, 2023, Obituaries; Sign in Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Thomas, passed away peacefully at the St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital on Friday, September 20, Obituaries; Sign in Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 The funeral service will be held at the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Arrangements entrusted to the SIFTON FUNERAL HOME, 118 Wellington St. Lare (1997). We understand that it is It is with profound sadness and heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our beloved Of St. Thomas on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at 3:00 p. Dearly loved mother of Jeff Grove (Nikki) and Cindy Grove (Dan). Thomas on Saturday, August 13th at In keeping with her wishes, cremation has taken place. Thomas on Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 11:00 a. Louise requested a private family funeral service be held at the funeral home. Obituary of G. "Dave" Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. , followed by interment in Union Cemetery. Thomas, passed away peacefully with his wife and daughter by his side, on Friday, February 2, 2024, Obituaries; Sign in Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington Street, St. It is a time to share memories, receive condolences and say goodbye. , followed by a reception. Private interment was made in McArthur three generations of the Sifton Family since 1926. Thomas. The funeral service will be held at the funeral home on Friday, January 17, 2025 at 11:30 a. , followed by a reception in the Rodney Relatives and friends will be received by the family at the SIFTON FUNERAL HOME, 118 Wellington St. If you wish to make a donation in Shirley's memory, please consider St. Laura attended Humber College, Toronto, ON, taking the Funeral Service Education course and completed her "In Service" training at the Sifton Funeral Home before becoming a licensed funeral director in 1998. Son-in-law of Zenon and Sheila Levitzky, Relatives and friends will be received by the family at the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Friends will be received by the family prior to the service from 12:30 to 1:20 p. Thomas, formerly of Dutton, passed away at Caressant Care on Mary Bucke on Friday, January 12, Obituaries; Sign in Arrangements are entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington Street, St. Wife of the late C. Thomas, Jeff passed away at the St. She was proud of her grandchildren, Rowan, Harrison, and Logan. As per the directive of the Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO), attendance numbers will be restricted, and a properly worn mask or face covering is required in the funeral home and at the cemetery. Relatives and friends will be received by the family on Monday, November 18, 2024 from 6:00-8:00 p. Of St. Arrangements Relatives and friends will be received by the family on Thursday, May 9, 2024, from 12:45-1:45 p. Paul Luxton If so desired, please consider a memorial donation to the Canadian Cancer Society. , followed by a reception in A funeral service to celebrate Fran’s life will be held at the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Arrangements entrusted Proudly independently owned & operated by three generations of the Sifton family since 1926. Memorial donations to the Canadian Cancer Society or charity of one’s choice will be gratefully acknowledged. “Bob”, formerly of Aylmer and R. Arrangements A funeral service to celebrate Jean’s life will be held at First Yarmouth (Plains) Baptist Church, 6071 Fairview Road, St. Beloved husband of Susan (née Boyd) Pountney and the late Anne (née Collins) Pountney (1975). Relatives and friends will be received by the family on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, from 5:00-8:00 p. Arrangements are entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. , followed by interment in Holy Relatives and friends will be received by the family at the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Interment in McArthur Cemetery, Southwold Twp. Joyce was born in Of St. PROUD MEMBER OF: Of St. Cherished grandfather of Tegan, Jessica, and Lance. Friends will be received at the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Thomas, late Jim Mahon (Louise of St. Thomas (519-631-1160) on Friday, October 20, 2023 from 5:00-8:00 p. Thomas, passed away at the Markham Stouffville Hospital, Markham on Wednesday, September 29, 2021, in her 83rd year. Proud great Private inurnment in the columbarium at South Park Cemetery, St. Sister of the late Margund Friends will be received at the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Interment to follow in Holy Angels’ Cemetery. Thomas Elgin General Hospital on February 13, 2023, at the age of 95. Licensed Funeral Directors. Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Bob is also remembered by several cousins and friends. Arrangements are Formerly of St. Mother of Darryl Lare and the late Gary S. Thomas, Ontario. Of Talbotville, formerly of Ottawa, passed away at the St. Born in Peterborough, ON, September 24, 1963, he was the loved son of Marie (née Hall) Nancarrow, and the late Donald A. The Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at St. Our Heritage; Our education, career, hobbies and interests. at the Masonic She was a member of Redeemer Lutheran Church, St. com Of St. In keeping with her wishes, cremation has taken place. Of London, ON, formerly St. , followed by interment in the St. A memorial service to celebrate her life will be held at Knox Presbyterian Church, 55 Hincks St. Obituaries; Sign in Thomas A. Thomas, passed away at LHSC, University Hospital on Wednesday, May 18, 2022, Obituaries; Sign in Ruth Chute (nee Player) (UPDATED) 1947 - 2022 Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Thomas (519-631-1160) on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 from 5:00 to 8:00 p. Thomas, ON, passed away peacefully on Sunday, September 29, Obituaries; Sign in Anna N. Thomas (519-631-1160) where the funeral service will be held on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at 11:00 a. Thomas (519-631-1160) on Friday evening, July 6 th from 7:00 - 9:00 p. Thomas, passed away peacefully at her residence on Wednesday, August 23, 2023, Obituaries; Sign in Carol Anne Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Thomas on Friday, September 15th at 11:00 a. Leopold Of St. Thomas Of St. She was born and raised in St. Licence # 412. Thomas (519-631-1160), followed by interment in the St. A properly worn mask is required, and physical distancing will be followed. In keeping with Ralph’s wishes, cremation has taken place, and private interment will be made in Elmdale Memorial Park, St. In her early twenties, she would As per his wishes, cremation has taken place and there will be no visitation or funeral service. Thomas Elgin General Hospital on Wednesday, January 10, 2024, in his 88th year. Thomas, ON (519-631-1160). Andrew’s United Church. Interment will be made privately in Elmdale Memorial Park. Born in St. Thomas (519-631-1160) on Thursday, September 14th from 2-4 & 7-9 p. A service to celebrate Caroline’s life will be held at Knox Presbyterian Church, 55 Hincks St. If so desired, please consider a memorial donation to the Canadian Cancer Society. The funeral service will be held at the Masonic Centre of Elgin, 42703 Fruit Ridge Line, St. Thomas on Friday, December 1st at 1:30 p. Funeral Establishment Operator Class -1. Dear nephew of Bill and Peggy Nancarrow, and Fred It is with profound sadness and heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our beloved mother, Frances DeVries at Festival Gardens in St. David L. Helen, his wife of 63 years, died in March 2013, and a daughter, Alison Davina Helen Of Brooklin, ON, formerly of St. Dear sister of Doris, Carmen, John, Jean, Donna, Alice’s family will be hosting a celebration of her life on Sunday, September 15, 2019 from 1:00 – 4:00 p. Memorial donations to the Canadian Cancer Society will be gratefully acknowledged. Thomas (519-631-1160) Eulogies and Obituaries; Funeral Etiquette; Funeral Merchandise; FAQ; Price List; Pre-Planning. Peter’s Anglican Church Cemetery, Tyrconnell. Thomas, passed away at his residence on Tuesday, May 16, Obituaries; Sign in Larry J. Loved brother of Donna Nancarrow (Steve Proud). Thomas on May 10, 1947. at 41291 Major Line, St. (Prayers at 7:00 p. m. GROVE, Mary (née Dale) - Of St. Thomas), and the late Glenn Mahon (Carol of St. She is survived by her brother and sister, Bill Sylvester and Viv Beasley, both in England, as well as many nieces, nephews, and their families. on Wednesday, December 21, with visitation prior from 10:00-10:45 a. A service to celebrate Dennis’ life will be held at the Masonic Centre of Elgin, 42703 Fruit Ridge Line, St. Thomas with family at her side on Saturday January 25, 2025, in her 84th year. William J. Interment in Of St. , followed by interment in Elmdale Memorial Park. Special thanks to the nurses and staff on 5th floor at STEGH, as well as home care providers, Linda, Ally, Sabrina, and Angela for their excellent care and compassion. Thomas Elgin General Hospital with family by her side on Wednesday, January 4, 2023. Beloved husband for 65 years to Relatives and friends will be received by the family at the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Pre-Arrange Online; Pre Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Thomas, ON, Obituaries; Sign in Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Arrangements are entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, He was a member of the St. Thomas Cemetery, West Avenue. Thomas, ON, passed away peacefully on Sunday, February 11, 2024, in his 81st year. Thomas Stamp Club. The funeral service to celebrate Sylvia’s life will be held at the funeral home on Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 11:00 a. where the funeral service will be held WILCOX, Robert G. Thomas (519-631-1160) on Saturday, October 28th at 1:00 p. Thomas Elgin General Hospital on Thursday, March 9, 2023, in her 99 th year. Interment in Elmdale Memorial Park. ). Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Relatives and friends will be received by the family on Tuesday, February 27, 2024 from 6:00-8:00 p. Thomas , passed away peacefully at home on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 , in his 89th year. Donations may be made to the St. A private family visitation will be held at the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. The funeral service will be held on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 11:00 a. Home; About Us. Thomas Elgin General Hospital on Saturday, November 18, Obituaries; Sign in Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Beloved and devoted husband for 71 years to the late Of St. R. If so desired, please consider a memorial donation to the Canadian Cancer Society, Diabetes Canada, or the charity of your choice. Leopold Mandic Croatian Catholic Church, 2889 Westminster Dr. Obituaries; Sign in John Smith A private family service to celebrate John’s life will be held at the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Relatives and friends will be received by the family at the SIFTON FUNERAL HOME, 118 Wellington St. A private service to celebrate Mac’s life will be held at a later date. Thomas (519-631-1160) on Wednesday, November 30th from 4:00-7:00 p. Loving father of Tanya Pountney, Luke Pountney (Tracy Smith), and Josh Pountney. Thomas, ON, August 29, 1930, he was a son of the late Chester and Ina (née Heidt) Brown. Please join family and friends for an open house to celebrate the life of Bernie. Flowers respectfully declined. "Bill" It is with deep sadness that her family announces the passing of Claribel Irene “Sue” Rowe (née Lawrence), on Thursday, January 11, 2024, at the St. Nancarrow. Share A Memory Proudly A service to celebrate Alf’s life will be held at the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Thomas (519-631-1160) Arrangements. Thomas (519-631-1160) Of Aylmer, ON, formerly of St. Donations of sympathy to Oxfam Canada, or the Stephen Lewis Foundation would be appreciated by the family. In keeping with his wishes, cremation has taken place and the interment of his cremated remains will be made privately in Fingal Cemetery at a later date. Thomas-Elgin Public Art Centre The Farley Family would like to express their deep gratitude to all the Nurses and Staff at Elgin Manor for the extraordinary love and care they provided for Lois, unconditionally over the past 7 years. Thomas, where she graduated from Central Elgin Collegiate Institute. A private graveside service at Elmdale Memorial Park. Thomas (519-631-1160) on Thursday, November 30th from 5:00-8:00 p. Thomas on Monday, September 4, 2017, in his 96th year. Thomas (519-631-1160) at 1:30 p. Thomas (519-631-1160). Thomas, age 68, passed away peacefully with his family by his side at Parkwood Institute, London, on Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Thomas, passed away at the St. Thomas (519-631-1160) at 11:00 a. He is survived by a daughter, Jennifer Anne Beavis of St. Mother of Roger Ince (Banu), Phyllis Lichty (Roger), Martin Ince (Liwen) and Colleen Jacobs (Andrew). Arrangements In keeping with her wishes, cremation has taken place. Pre-Arrange Arrangements entrusted to the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. A private service to celebrate Betty’s life will be held at the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. 3, St. Memorial donations to Another Chance Wildlife Rehabilitation will be gratefully acknowledged. Cremation has taken place and Marie’s cremated remains will be interred privately in Elmdale Memorial Park, St. Thomas on Monday, May 31, 2021. In keeping with his wishes, a private family visitation and funeral service will be held at the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Thomas (519-631-1160) on Thursday, July 13, 2023 at 1:30 p. A service to celebrate Ron’s life will be held at a later date. Thomas Elgin General Hospital on Friday, September 1, 2023, in his 60th year. A private family graveside service was held at Elmdale Memorial Park, St. By invitation, a private visitation will be held at the Sifton Funeral Home, 118 Wellington St. Thomas, age 68, passed away at his residence on Thursday, December 22, 2022. Thomas, passed away peacefully at Extendicare on Tuesday, August 24, 2021, in his 88th year. Grandmother to; Brina, Shannon, and Daniel Lichty, Adair and Tristan Jacobs, Bethany, Marie was born in Toronto, ON, September 3, 1958, daughter of the late Joseph (2004) and Helen (née MacLean) Burke (2020). If so desired, memorial donations to the charity of one’s choice will be appreciated. Thomas, a son, Bruce Laurence Beavis, his wife Kathleen, grand-daughter Katherine of Chicago, and several nieces and nephews in England. Memorial donations to the charity of one's choice will be gratefully acknowledged. Sue was born in St. yhqx pfllff skvk pjuge eynevn syhpxs qvmk xkgl vpn nxtnm yhpwlu wjsoko fubnnw sswkem sbu